Doctors and media often remind us that a very high total cholesterol is not recommended. In fact, many people to detect this in their blood, radically change their diet, depriving food of high nutritional value.
However the ratio of total cholesterol is in full controversy, since it is imprecise identifying potential risks. Should be seen as a warning to consider, track to push us to analyze other indicators and possible risk factors.
On the other hand, it is little known that a very low value of cholesterol can be as harmful (or for some even more) as one high. Important and recent studies have confirmed this correlation, however, it will normally still be considered "healthy" very low values, from 110 mg / dl.
For example, the study "Low Cholesterol is Associated With Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases: A Dynamic Cohort Study in Korean Adults," published a few months ago, tracking more than 12,000 people was held for 15 years. It was observed that in all cases the stretch was less risk 160-200 mg / dl. Specifying in the case of cardiovascular mortality among men, the stretch of 200-240 mg / dl was the safest. In the lower section, below 160 mg / dl, the risk increased significantly in all cases.
In another also very recent "Low cholesterol is Associated With mortality from stroke, heart disease, and cancer: the Jichi Medical School Cohort Study", with a similar sample (over 12,000 people and 12 years of follow-up), the result was similar. Values lower cholesterol, less than 160 mg / dl, far more risk than considered safe (160-200 mg / dl) was observed. On the other hand, in this study could not find an increase in mortality in cases of high cholesterol, with values greater than 240 mg / dl.
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In the 2008 study "Serum lipids and Their association with mortality in the elderly: a prospective cohort study", over 1000 people for 12 years also came to similar conclusions on the stretch lower cholesterol. The researchers suggested that the risk seemed to have a configuration in "U", elevated to the lowest and highest values, and highlighted the improved accuracy of HDL (good cholesterol) as an indicator of cardiovascular risk.
They are the first studies to come to these conclusions (nor will be the last), so should ask yourself these questions:
When will the safest cholesterol sections are amended to higher values?
Or better, how soon we will stop using total cholesterol as an indicator of risk of cardiovascular disease when countless studies indicate that it is inefficient and inaccurate?
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