Jumat, 23 Oktober 2015

Junk food in school UK

Neverseconds, a blog of a girl, has been quoted in numerous media and visits has been flooded because it teaches what they feed some Scottish school. As a picture is worth a thousand words, these are the pictures of the wonderful menu that has hung the star:

Spain, among the European leaders in childhood obesity
According to the study published in February, "Prevalence of childhood obesity in Spain: 2006-2007 National Health Survey" conducted by the Institute of Health Carlos III in Spain about one in five children is overweight, which becomes part the group of European countries with the worst values ​​in this index.

The highlight of the study, in addition to its negative result is that the differences between Spanish regions are very pronounced. Communities that have more obese children are the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, Valencia and Andalusia. And that has fewer overweight children are the Basque Country, Galicia and Madrid.

Both talk about the miraculous (and undefined) and Mediterranean diet is that it has more obese are Mediterranean communities ... We turn now to speak of the Cantabrian diet?

 What is worse for your health, do not exercise or obesity?
We all know that a healthy life is a function of many factors and that the more of these factors have in mind, the greater chance we have to enjoy it. Considering what lifestyle often required by modern society and the scientific studies linking mortality with the customs and behaviors, the four healthiest principles could consider the following: do not smoke, avoid stress, exercise and avoid obesity.

Focusing on the last two, which are related to the contents of this blog, and knowing it best fulfill both positions choose, which would give priority to, according to scientific criteria?

Hacierndo an assessment of the results, we could say that studies seem to lean in favor of exercise. As can be seen in the study "Long-term physical activity in leisure time and mortality from coronary heart disease, stroke, respiratory diseases, and cancer. The Copenhagen City Heart Study," those who have an intense physical activity in their free time show a life span of about 7 years older than sedentary people. And those with moderate physical activity almost five years. A big difference.

However, studies that obesity and mortality are related to do a more detailed, particularly in terms of the degree of obesity analysis. For example, in the massive study "Body-mass index and cause-specific mortality in 900,000 adults: collaborative analyzes of 57 prospective studies" concludes that from a BMI (body mass index) over 25 years reduced life, according to these values:

    BMI 25 to 27.5: 0-1 years
    BMI 27.5 to 30: 1-2 years
    IMC 30 to 35: 2-4 years
    IMC 40 to 50: 8 to 10 years

Furthermore, studies such as "metabolically Healthy Obesity and Risk of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality" it has been observed that metabolically healthy obese (assessing blood pressure, HDL, diabetes, waist circumference, inflammation) have no hope life significantly lower than non-obese.

So if we have a very high obesity and want to improve our health, exercise beats overweight. But again, better both, of course.

 The Weight of the Nation: Revolution, marketing or repetition?
Tomorrow May 15 HBO premiered a documentary that is announcing with fanfare and is creating enough excitement. "The Weight of the Nation" (The Weight of the Nation) It is entitled and deals with the epidemic of obesity that is sweeping the US: two out of three Americans are overweight and one in three obese.

The TV station has set up a dedicated website in this direction, where information is available to warm things up: Under the striking subtitle "To win, we have to lose," we offer a trailer, the summary of each chapter and the ability to sign up follow the event through social networks, especially Facebook. The American Public Health Department has collaborated throughout the project, as can be seen in the information link.

The documentary, which looks like it has all the ingredients to attract enough attention and create controversy, is divided into four parts, tomorrow will be the first two parts and the next day the other two.

The question I ask myself is: Will all be another mega-campaign "What you need to do is eat less and spend more"? Will they make the same mistake? At first I read some promising thing. for example, this article from New York Times, the film's director says that "you can not think that everyone has lost willpower, clearly more powerful is happening." HBO, being a subscribed channel, presumed not to have advertisers and therefore, not been subjected to any pressure from the food industry. On the other hand, support materials downloadable from here or sites on like this, keep coming back as usual: lots of calories, lack of physical activity ...

Time we see him and discuss it calmly.

Nerea Segura, do you just calories?

When a nutritionist as Nerea Segura gives advice on television, his message goes a long way. Because Nerea Nerea explained well and is attractive and skinny. And it has title nutritionist. So if recommended something, surely you must be right.

I recommend watching this video a few days ago. We can see talking about the calories and fat. For her, the whole problem lies in the energy balance and spends most of the program to try to convince us that what we need to do is eat less and spend more. Attentive to 6 minutes when Nerea shows a board with drawings and little signs explaining amounts that need a normal woman. To do this, very educational, he used a figure of just that: a normal, very normal woman. 1.75 tall and 58 kilograms. The Spanish media undoubtedly the total ideal. If a person, the figure would have a BMI of 18.9, almost below what is considered normal (18.5-25).

However, I disagree with the advice given Nerea about eating less and spend more. Not because they are not theoretically valid, but because they serve much in practice. They are carried taking decades with disastrous results (see this link). Simplify everything to calories is a mistake, because foods produced multiple effects on our body, much more complex than simply providing calories (for example, see this link). A few years ago the study "Women's Health Initiative" put on a diet for more than seven years 20,000 women, exactly the same advice she explains in the video, and at the end of that time the average result was half a kilo of loss weight (see this link). In addition, countless studies and reviews show that exercise, by itself, does not lose weight (see this link) and the myth that aerobic exercise is best for burning fat is passed long ago.

In short, much of what is recommended is of little use and many current findings and based on science were not present. I think we should start thinking about new approaches and new ways d etransmitirlos.

Cycling extends life, if practiced more intensely
A study published earlier this year, "Intensity versus duration of cycling, impact on all-cause mortality and coronary heart disease: the Copenhagen City Heart Study," has confirmed that biking is also excellent for health. Based on the data of several thousand people during nearly two decades of follow up (is called "The Conpenhagen City Heart Study"), experts have concluded that men who practice this sport live rather than sedentary.

The results indicate that longevity depends more on the intensity of exercise duration. Specifically, it has been observed that live 5.3 years more than those who do it with energy and intensity and 2.9 years if done gently. In women the observed increase is smaller but also significant and also more favorable for the more energetic cycling 3.9 and 2.2 years, respectively.

 The high consumption of rice increases the risk of type 2 diabetes
One of the most common arguments against diets low in refined carbohydrates is usually the phrase "the Chinese eat a lot of rice and nothing happens." Although this statement should add many nuances (and someday will add), a recent study seems to confirm that "nothing happens" is not, at least, very accurate.

In the study published just a few days ago "White rice consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: meta-analysis and systematic review" has been seen that people who eat more white rice, especially between Chinese and Japanese population, are 50 % increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who consumed less : http://kampung-herbal.com/obat-herbal-asam-urat/

Remember that some experts believe that insulin resistance generated diets high in refined carbohydrates could be a preliminary step that would lead to the development of diabetes type 2 or acquired.
Normally the nutritional values ​​of food are found in lists and tables for each individual feed. But the reality is that much of what we eat is composed of a large variety of ingredients and often is not easy to guess which consists, for adding different macronutrients in the proportions we suspect they may have. This situation is more pronounced when eating away from home and if some complexity dishes. As, for example, with tapas and snacks that make us famous throughout the world and we can try in any bar, restaurant or cafe.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation has published an interesting document that can help us in the nutritional knowledge of this delicious tradition. This is the guide "The nutritional value of the snack: Top and beer," which gives us detailed information on many of the most popular tapas: Anchovies with cheese, bacalao al pil pil, flags, tripe, chorizo ​​in cider, croquettes, shrimp, pork with turnip tops, lean, crumbs, sausage, paella, tumaca bread, wrinkled potatoes, patatas bravas, fried fish, stuffed peppers, mushrooms, octopus, gazpacho, taco, sobrasada and zarajos. From this link you can download the full pdf.

Impressive list and interesting information.

The nutritional value of snacks and Spanish tapas

Normally the nutritional values ​​of food are found in lists and tables for each individual feed. But the reality is that much of what we eat is composed of a large variety of ingredients and often is not easy to guess which consists, for adding different macronutrients in the proportions we suspect they may have. This situation is more pronounced when eating away from home and if some complexity dishes. As, for example, with tapas and snacks that make us famous throughout the world and we can try in any bar, restaurant or cafe.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation has published an interesting document that can help us in the nutritional knowledge of this delicious tradition. This is the guide "The nutritional value of the snack: Top and beer," which gives us detailed information on many of the most popular tapas: Anchovies with cheese, bacalao al pil pil, flags, tripe, chorizo ​​in cider, croquettes, shrimp, pork with turnip tops, lean, crumbs, sausage, paella, tumaca bread, wrinkled potatoes, patatas bravas, fried fish, stuffed peppers, mushrooms, octopus, gazpacho, taco, sobrasada and zarajos. From this link you can download the full pdf.

Impressive list and interesting information.

The very low cholesterol is harmful to health

Doctors and media often remind us that a very high total cholesterol is not recommended. In fact, many people to detect this in their blood, radically change their diet, depriving food of high nutritional value.

However the ratio of total cholesterol is in full controversy, since it is imprecise identifying potential risks. Should be seen as a warning to consider, track to push us to analyze other indicators and possible risk factors.

On the other hand, it is little known that a very low value of cholesterol can be as harmful (or for some even more) as one high. Important and recent studies have confirmed this correlation, however, it will normally still be considered "healthy" very low values, from 110 mg / dl.

For example, the study "Low Cholesterol is Associated With Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases: A Dynamic Cohort Study in Korean Adults," published a few months ago, tracking more than 12,000 people was held for 15 years. It was observed that in all cases the stretch was less risk 160-200 mg / dl. Specifying in the case of cardiovascular mortality among men, the stretch of 200-240 mg / dl was the safest. In the lower section, below 160 mg / dl, the risk increased significantly in all cases.

In another also very recent "Low cholesterol is Associated With mortality from stroke, heart disease, and cancer: the Jichi Medical School Cohort Study", with a similar sample (over 12,000 people and 12 years of follow-up), the result was similar. Values ​​lower cholesterol, less than 160 mg / dl, far more risk than considered safe (160-200 mg / dl) was observed. On the other hand, in this study could not find an increase in mortality in cases of high cholesterol, with values ​​greater than 240 mg / dl.

Visite : www.kampung-herbal.com

In the 2008 study "Serum lipids and Their association with mortality in the elderly: a prospective cohort study", over 1000 people for 12 years also came to similar conclusions on the stretch lower cholesterol. The researchers suggested that the risk seemed to have a configuration in "U", elevated to the lowest and highest values, and highlighted the improved accuracy of HDL (good cholesterol) as an indicator of cardiovascular risk.

They are the first studies to come to these conclusions (nor will be the last), so should ask yourself these questions:

    When will the safest cholesterol sections are amended to higher values?
    Or better, how soon we will stop using total cholesterol as an indicator of risk of cardiovascular disease when countless studies indicate that it is inefficient and inaccurate?

Frying food is not bad or unhealthy

Climbing stairs every day can improve your health
Those who live on a high floor and no lift, install one dream to help them get on and off effortlessly. Those who already enjoy it, can not imagine what life would be without him and probably a bad time of cracking occur, when it breaks for a few days.

Although we may have to shift the focus and be lucky to not have elevator or damage to them. The study Training effects of short bouts of stair climbing on cardiorespiratory fitness, blood lipids, and homocysteine ​​in sedentary young women participants concluded that climbing a lot of stairs every day improved aerobic fitness by 17% and lowered their LDL (cholesterol bad) 8% in eight weeks.

A quick and convenient way to exercise, do not you think?

Added: If you want more ideas on how to improve their health by using stairs, you can read "HIIT and stairs: A proposed high performance aerobic exercise."

 HIIT and stairs: A proposed high performance aerobic exercise.
Following the previous post, we will see an interesting proposal HIIT exercise, ie exercise in high intensity intervals (click here if you do not know what or read the book "What the science says slimming ... "), a very effective option almost without leaving home. In 15-20 minutes you have completed training session magnificent. You just need a decent amount of stairs, ie, a building that has a minimum 6-8 floors.

    Heat 5 minutes, as it does when you go for a run. Take the elevator to the top floor which has been established as "meta". A 5th or 6th is a good choice for the first time, if it makes some exercise.
    Leisurely walk down in 1-3 minutes, ladder stairs.
    Upon arrival down, turn around and climb as fast as you can to the top, the "target floor". This step should "suffer" enough, if you notice it does not require too much effort, try to do it faster, add more floors or taking the stairs two at a time.
    Repeat steps 2 and 3 four to six times. If you can not complete four sets, reduce the number of steps taken as "floor target" a lower one.

Just do not try to do when you have too many neighbors, lest it be taken for a crackpot ...

Frying food is not bad or unhealthy

One of the pending issues in the Mediterranean diet is the use of vegetable oil for frying. The fried food does not have a good reputation and are considered responsible for many nutritional evils: Obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer ...

One of the most popular accusations is that they could be related to cancer: cooked at high temperatures generates various compounds for which there is evidence regarding its carcinogenic properties. Barbecue and grilled formulas seem most likely to take full responsibility, but the fried were not free of suspicion, since the high temperatures reached and reuse of oils are factors that can not be dismissed as potentially dangerous .

To the relief of those who often enjoy sauteed and fried, just published in the prestigious BMJ study "Consumption of fried foods and risk of coronary heart disease: Spanish cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study", in which followed more than 40,000 adults conducted for 11 years, with the following result: No relationship was found between intake of fried with vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) and cardiovascular disease or mortality. That is, to eat fried is not bad for health.

Please, I must point out that they are not referring to the pre-cooked, but the fact fry an egg, fish or steak. Food "real" fried with vegetable oil quality, come on. The (usually frozen) precooked foods also tend to eat nutritionally fried in my opinion they could be considered as junk food because they usually have lots of added fat and low quality carbohydrates rapidly absorbed (coated, sugar, etc.).

A new myth that falls down, and go ...